Customer Experience Management Starts With One Idea:

That every business begins with its customers.

If you can build loyalty, you can create a customer for life. The consumers of the twenty-first century want experiences that make them feel good about a business. More than great products and services, they want experiences that stand out. Customer experience management provides that.

66% of customers expect businesses to understand their needs and expectations. That means offering reliable contact over the channels your customers prefer. It means proactive contacts that make your customers feel understood. And it means meeting customer expectations by curating a tech stack at the cutting edge.

When 65% of Americans agree that businesses fail to provide the high quality of customer service they expect, there has never been a better time to invest in customer experience management. But what does customer experience management really mean?

Defining Customer Experience Management

Customer experience management is a collection of strategies aimed at measuring, managing, and improving the experience of customers interacting with your business, with the aim of creating outstanding CX and building customer loyalty. A customer experience management solution—sometimes called a CXM, or alternatively a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) refers to those technologies that make this possible.

At a glance, the key features of a customer experience management solution are:

  • In-depth reporting that paints a 360-degree picture of the customer.

  • Seamless integrations, which break down data siloes and link together any number of third-party systems.

  • A customer data platform (CDP), leveraging customer data to create outstanding, personalized experiences. A CDP aggregates an organization’s data from multiple systems of record, and brings together customer relationship management systems, customer journey mapping and knowledge management.

  • Omni-channel customer communications, allowing your customer to get in touch however, whenever, and wherever they prefer.

  • State-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI), empowering your customer service agents to deliver better experiences more effectively than ever.

  • Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) solutions that empower your contact center agents to deliver high quality experiences.

And much more.

The Value of Customer Experience Management

Successful customer experience management boosts positive sentiment toward your brand, making customers more likely to spend with, and recommend, your business. Customer contact centers are often seen by organizations as cost sinks; necessary expenses to satisfy the demands of customers and regulators. This is a misconception. The contact center is a source of value.

  • Customer loyalty is your most valuable asset. It’s far easier to retain a customer than win a new one. Building a positive relationship is the best way to maintain a customer.

  • Reliable communication is essential to avoiding regulatory penalties; these impact both your brand image and your bottom line.

  • Customer experience management allows for personalized communications; supporting up-sell.

  • Customer surveying provides invaluable information; customer experience management lets you turn customer data into actionable insights.

58% of consumers strongly agree that CX is the primary way for organizations to set themselves apart from the competition. Behind each of these value propositions is an unavoidable fact; if your competitors invest in CX, they’ll leave you behind. Poor customer experience pushes your customers to the competition. To stay ahead, you need a customer experience management solution. 74% of customers want businesses to tailor their communications based on data. Outstanding CX is no longer a ‘nice to have’, but an essential feature of every successful organization.

Improving Customer Experience Management

Outstanding customer experience management depends on reliability, scalability, integrations, and flexibility.

Successful customer experience management requires a cloud partner that can guarantee reliable, scalable, and adaptable communications. How is this achieved in practice?

contact center machine agent engages with customers

Customer Experience Management in Practice

Organizations across every sector have benefitted from customer experience management.

Possibilities of Customer Experience Management

The possibilities of a customer experience management solution are endless. Discover more through Content Guru’s resource library:


Mapping the Customer Journey: Why Customer Journey Mapping is Your Business’ Secret Weapon

Know your business and know your customers, and you will know the outcome of every customer contact. In the contact center, information is power and information about the customer is the most powerful of all. The concept of the ‘customer journey’ puts that information to work.


­The Four Pillars of Evergreen CX: Four Steps to Future-Proof Your Contact Center

The Customer Experience (CX) space is constantly evolving. From changing consumer tastes to regulatory shifts to exciting new AI technologies, staying ahead of the competition and delighting customers is more challenging than ever. You need to do more than transform your CX; you need an evergreen transformation, which keeps your whole technology stack on the cutting edge.


Which metrics matter? The secrets of successful Customer Experience measurement

Humans are information engines. With every interaction, the customer radiates information - if you know how to look.

Customer Experience Management with storm®

If you like the sound of customer experience management, Content Guru can help. Content Guru’s cloud-based customer experience management solution, storm®, provides a flexible, reliable, and scalable tool for creating outstanding customer experiences.

storm is used by over 1000 enterprise-scale public and private organizations in over 50 countries, and is trusted by leading global brands to meet all their customer engagement management needs.

Discover Customer Experience Management Yourself

Fill out the form below to book a zero-obligation consultation with one of Content Guru’s CX experts.