
Understanding the Ventana Contact Center Suites Buyers Guide 2023

When choosing a partner for your Customer Experience (CX) transformation, you want to get it right first time. This isn’t always easy, but help is out there. Industry analysts can offer invaluable perspective, and one of the most significant is the Ventana Contact Center Suites Buyers Guide 2023.

In the post-pandemic world, the focus of the Customer Experience industry has shifted:

  • With the mass adoption of cloud technologies ongoing for over a decade now, many organizations are looking not just for a ‘plug-and-play’ solution, but for customizability. That is, solutions tailored to their specific needs.

  • Hybrid working has become a fixture of global economies. The ability for agents to work from anywhere, and to transition seamlessly between home and office environments, is increasingly crucial to delivering outstanding CX.

  • Hand-in-hand with a customizability comes a focus on manageability – that is, how easily a CX solution can be administered and supported throughout its lifecycle. With a constantly shifted technology landscape, this flexibility is more important than ever.

In this blog, we discuss the Ventana Contact Center Suites Buyers Guide 2023, and its implications for your CX. We draw out key industry insights, and discuss why the report named Content Guru as an ‘Exemplary Vendor’.

The Importance of Manageability in the Ventana Contact Center Suites Buyers Guide 2023

Today, technology is moving faster than ever. In the past year alone, we’ve seen radical leaps forward in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). Meeting customer expectations depends on your ability to provide a future-proof, adaptable experience. Key to this in manageability.

Manageability refers to how easy it is to manage a particular CX solution, whether that be technologically, or through licenses and Service Level Agreements (SLAs). This is assessed on a number of different levels:

  • At the highest level, manageability relates to the overall experience of a solution. That is, how easy it is license new users, adjust SLAs, and administer the solution throughout its whole lifecycle.

  • Manageability also incorporates security. Through provisioning that clearly delineates user identities, roles, and accesses, a solution with strong manageability can ensure that customer data is kept private and secure.

  • Finally, manageability refers to licensing and subscription, that is, how flexible a provider can be in adapting the specific of its licenses to the needs of a particular organization.

In essence, manageability describes how successful a provider is as a partner: How consistent they are in the provision of their service, how flexible they are to your needs, and how much security they can provide to both you and your customers.

But that’s not the only attribute highlighted in the Ventana Contact Center Suites Buyers Guide 2023

Hybrid Working in the Ventana Contact Center

The world of the contact center has changed. An outstanding CX provider will help you adapt to the new normal. And at the heart of this is hybrid working.

Hybrid working is all about flexibility; that is, how easily your agents can transition from home-working to office working. The contact center of the twenty-first century leverages both home and office environments to get the best of both worlds; work-life balance for agents, and the buzz of the office.

There are several ways to achieve this:

  • A cloud-based solution can be accessed from any location, via any-internet enabled device. This allows agents to long on from anywhere, and to work to the same high standard from both home and the office.

  • By unifying communications across your business, you make your entire organization accessible from anywhere. No matter how distributed your workforce, they will always be accessible to each other.

  • By powerful, AI-powered Workforce Engagement Management and analytics solution provides detailed insight into, and control over, your workforce. When distributed through multiple locations, the ability to get real-time insights into performance and scheduling is invaluable.

Flexible working is here to stay. The Ventana Contact Center Suites Buyers Guide 2023 recognizes the importance of accommodating this transition.

Putting Usability First

A CX solution is not just the property of agents and administrators. A whole host of stakeholders, from supervisors to IT professionals to end users, must be able to interact with the product seamlessly. An outstanding CX solution flexes to the needs of its different users, to ensure a fluid experience for anyone involved in its operation.

Usability can be improved in a number of ways:

  • A usable solution is one that is intuitive and easy-to-master. Such a solution allows users to operate it with minimal instruction, letting users at all levels of technical familiarity get up and running with the solution as quickly as possible.

  • A usable solution also creates efficiencies. That is, it cuts down on time wasted on switching between apps and windows, by bringing all functionality into a single, intuitive interface.

  • This interface must also be accessible. It must flex to meet the accessibility needs of different users, as well as being available via mobile.

In the Ventana Contact Center Suites Buyers Guide 2023, usability is a crucial step to success. If your employees can’t find their way around your solution, they’ll struggle to deliver the high standard of support your customers deserve.

Content Guru Named ‘Exemplary’ in the Ventana Contact Center Suites Buyers Guide 2023

In the Ventana Contact Center Suites Buyers Guide 2023, Content Guru was classified as an ‘Exemplary Vendor’. This classification was based on Ventana’s ‘Value Index’ methodology, evaluating providers over seven key categories, weighted to reflect customer needs.

Content Guru’s cloud CX solution, storm®, was ranked first in manageability, due to the solutions robust security and privacy capabilities, as well as the ease of administering the solution throughout its lifecycle. storm also performed well in usability and capability.

Want to learn more about storm? Click here to discover more about the storm suite, and what it can offer your organization.