
Content Guru Launches New Automated User Provisioning Service to Streamline Employee Administration In Contact Centers

Content Guru, leading innovator in cloud customer experience solutions, today launches storm® SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) – its new service designed to streamline and simplify contact center staff provisioning for large organizations.

storm SCIM improves administration efficiency for large contact centers, by automating agent provisioning and removing the need to manually add, remove or update users. SCIM gives back valuable work time to administrators by automatically provisioning users, freeing up time to spend on more complex matters. With SCIM, an organization’s provisioning process is completed quickly and securely, creating accounts for new agents right away and removing them for leavers.

Not only does SCIM simplify user identify management, it also provides secure authentication and privacy. SCIM works with storm SSO (Single Sign-On), enabling agents to use the same sign-in for both storm and Microsoft Active Directories, improving agent experience while saving costs and administration time.

Martin Taylor, Deputy CEO and Co-Founder of Content Guru, commented:

“We are really excited about the launch of storm SCIM and to know that our customers will be reaping its benefits. As more and more organizations make the leap to cloud technology, tools such as SCIM are growing in importance and are key to ensuring that provisioning is based on one set of identities and carried out via standardized REST APIs. Though SCIM will empower administrative efficiency in organizations of all sizes, it is especially valuable to larger customers, who will realize the greatest cost and time savings.”