
Why Stereo Recording is the Best Choice for Contact Centers

Over the next 10 to 15 years, customer experience (CX) will be steered heavily by AI and data-driven insights. Call recordings are a goldmine of customer insights for your contact center. They are also crucial for monitoring agent performance, maintaining compliance, and improving CX overall. However, the quality of the insights you can obtain from calls is only as good as the method you use to record them. In order to drive this next-generation CX, and utilize your AI to the fullest, stereo recording is essential. Here’s why.

What is stereo recording?

Traditionally, contact center calls are recorded in mono. This means that one channel is used to record all parties on a call. Stereo recording is different from mono recording in that it records each party through a unique channel. Typically this is two channels, but it can be many more.

Depending on which recording method you use, the resulting audio will be different. Take for example, you listen back to a call recording between two participants using a pair of headphones. If recorded in mono, both speakers can be heard equally through the left and right channels. Yet if recorded in stereo, each speaker is played back through a single channel – one through the left, and the other the right.


  • Mono recording: each participant is recorded on, and played back via, the same channel.

  • Stereo recording: each participant is recorded on, and played back via, their own unique channel.

The benefits of stereo recording

In conversation there is usually some degree of overtalk, that is, people speaking over one another. Throw background noise into the mix, such as traffic or office hubbub, and a conversation can easily turn into a wall of noise. Overtalk and background noise make it difficult to tell speakers apart, which consequently cause transcription technologies, like automatic speech recognition (ASR), to produce many errors.

Recording each participant on a separate channel produces higher-fidelity audio: a clearer, wider and more natural sound. Each participant can be identified and isolated from one another. This makes it much easier to hear what each participant is saying, especially where there is overtalk or background noise from other participants. In comparison to a mono recording, because all participants are recorded on a single channel, any background noise or overtalk will muddy the entire recording. Telling participants apart in this case becomes very difficult.

As a result of more precise audio, Speech-To-Text (STT) transcription is more accurate. Typically, multi-channel recordings lead to a 10% increase in transcription accuracy compared to mono recording. A higher transcription accuracy allows you to unleash the full power of AI, including Natural Language Processing (NLP), for analyzing calls for training and compliance purposes.

In short, stereo recording leads to higher-quality audio, more accurate transcription, and greater opportunities for analytics.

The need for stereo recording in the contact center

Traditional call analysis relies on administrators taking random samples of call recordings and listening to them to look for issues of compliance, or to identify gaps in training. Random call sampling is an incredibly time consuming process – but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Stereo recording is the bedrock your contact center needs to extract greater business value from your call recordings. Higher-quality audio, and thus a higher transcription accuracy, magnifies the abilities of your AI to monitor all calls and participants, and to flag areas of concern, automatically. AI reduces the need for human monitoring of random audio samples. This means less time listening to calls, giving more time for when you do need to review recordings manually. Then, quality monitoring teams can focus on areas of concern, and bypass calls with no added value.

The ability to track the right data automatically is invaluable. With higher fidelity audio, your contact center administrators can focus on areas of interest that NLP has highlighted, ensuring greater productivity and more effective quality management (QM).

Bring clarity to your call recordings with Content Guru

Experience stereo recording with storm®, Content Guru’s cloud-based platform with limitless recording capacity. storm is a single stack solution, providing all you need for compliance, CSAT and QM.

The Content Guru omni-channel recording suite, storm RECORDER™, supports stereo recording for all types of call, from inbound and outbound, to single caller and conference calls. Each participant is recorded through their own channel, so you know who is saying what, and when. Whether it’s the contact center agent or the customer, RECORDER gives you the ability to focus solely on one speaker at a time. This allows you to gain a more in-depth understanding of both the customer and agent experience.

Combining storm ANALYTICS™, Content Guru’s advanced, AI-backed analytics tool, with RECORDER, makes it even easier for admins to identify performance or compliance issues, or training requirements. ANALYTICS uses the power of NLP to group calls by keywords, phrase, and sentiment automatically. Customer trends and pain points in the customer experience can be spotted quickly. Also, script adherence can be measured easily and rapidly.

Monitor agent interactions and track performance over time, measuring against Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and business goals with storm QM™ (Quality Management)storm QM allows your contact center to give detailed feedback and training to agents based on call analytics. This helps you to build a stronger, more motivated customer service team that consistently meets customer expectations and compliance regulations.

Explore the capabilities of stereo recording with storm today.