
The Best of Content Guru – Intelligent Automation

The focus of this next installment in the ‘The Best of Content Guru’ series, and the second of Content Guru‘s core differentiators, is intelligent automation.

What is intelligent automation?

Intelligent automation is the combined product of three cognitive technologies:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): The brain behind intelligent automation. AI grants machines the ability to learn, problem-solve, and make informed decisions. Some examples of AI technology include Natural Language Processing (NLP), speech recognition, and image recognition.

  • Business Process Management (BPM): Workflow automation and optimization.

  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): This allows bots and other robot-type software to complete back-office processes and engage with customers. Chatbots and Machine Agents fall under this category.

Typically, organizations use intelligent automation to automate low-level and administrative tasks.

Why is intelligent automation important?

Today’s customers expect instant access to information – whenever, wherever, and through whatever communication channel they choose. Failing to provide options for self-service puts your organization in hot water. You risk long wait times across all channels for even the simplest of queries, especially at peak times. Human agents alone cannot physically service every interaction. Neither can they afford to waste time searching for the knowledge they need to provide the personalized interactions that customers demand. In order to meet expectations, and enhance the experiences of your employees and customers, intelligent automation is essential.

Besides the needs of your customers and agents, your organization has its own goals to fulfil. Keeping costs to a minimum is one of them. While human agents are a valuable resource, they are also costly. Having agents complete menial tasks is inefficient, and degrades their experience. Poor agent experiences result in a high rate of churn, which in turn drains your revenue. As such it’s important to empower live agents where appropriate with intelligent automation.

Meeting compliance regulations is another obligation which can prove costly without intelligent automation. Your organization does not have the time or resources to monitor every interaction by hand. Yet, to avoid fines and meet customer standards, 100% compliance is key.

Intelligent automation with Content Guru

Content Guru’s intelligent automation technology gives your organization the ability to build smart processes and workflows at every level of the contact center. Streamlining operations frees up your workforce, boosts contact center efficiency and helps you to deliver outstanding customer experiences.

Intelligent automation runs through every module of storm®, Content Guru’s CCaaS solution. This gives you the means to reach ‘hyper-automation’ – the power to automate virtually any repetitive task – which is key to offering seamless and resilient services.

With storm’s intelligent automation:

  • Deliver self-service with AI-powered Machine Agents and chatbots, which can even process PCI compliant payments.

  • Anticipate your customers’ needs with hyper-scale, and proactive, targeted communications.

  • Make quality monitoring easy, efficient, and thorough.

  • Create actionable insights and bring personalization to customer journeys.

Learn more about the intelligent automation Content Guru offers, and transform your contact center into an intelligent customer engagement hub.