
Facing the Future: Designing your Digital Transformation Strategy

The idea of digital transformation has become ubiquitous. Just look around you: from the explosion in flexible working, to the growing concern for data security, we all now have at least a toe in the digital water. Around the world, digital channels, from social media to video conferencing, have become indispensable to the functioning of businesses. Yet, the digital transformation is not complete.

New challenges necessitate new digital solutions, and the goalposts of digitization are constantly shifting. Many business still struggle with meeting data protection regulations, empowering employees to work flexibly, and meeting rising technology costs.

Even in a sector as vital as healthcare, 60% of organizations rated themselves as only midway through their digital transformation.1 As the aims of digitization continue to evolve, it can be hard to keep track of where the digital transformation journey is actually leading us.

The post-pandemic period has been an era of shocks and strains. From the Russian invasion of Ukraine to ongoing price inflation around the world, economic turbulence is set to continue into the foreseeable future. This blog will explore the challenges that will define your digital transformation strategy moving forward, and what your business can do to meet them.

The digital transformation outlook: Facts and figures

82% of large enterprises in North America considered digital initiatives crucial to their success. Yet, almost 50% of executives don’t have a clear goal for their digital transformation strategy.2 Despite the importance of digital communications, only 8% of conference rooms around the world are equipped to handle digital conferencing.3 In addition, only 56% of executives believe that they are currently equipped with the team and resources to implement an effective digital transformation.4

The future of the digital transformation journey, then, is not obvious. Confusion reigns; almost half of businesses need more clarity in planning their digitization for the year ahead. What are the key challenges facing your digital transformation strategy, and what can you do to prepare for them?


Weathering the storm – untangling global supply chains

The pandemic saw an explosion in the demand for new technologies. SaaS solutions, collaboration tools, database management systems, and more, quickly became essential to doing business. This prompted a corresponding surge in the demand for the components that underpin these technologies – semiconductors.5

A global semiconductor shortage was already driving up tech prices prior to the pandemic. These increases are now being compounded by global supply chain issues, which are causing global freight prices to skyrocket. 39% of executives aren’t aware of their total planned spending on digital initiatives, even when 38% of large businesses plan to spend upwards of $1 million on their digital transformation strategies.6 Costs are rising, and business leaders aren’t always able to keep track.

What can you do to moderate costs whilst still pursuing your digital transformation? The first step is to leave behind costly on-prem solutions. The future of technology is cloud-based, with technology growing beyond legacy on-prem systems that require huge capital expenditure to update.

Cloud-based solutions are continuously updated, without the need for replacement capital or downtime. With a per-agent pricing model, you can reduce total cost of ownership, and only pay for what you need. As tech costs continue to rise, being smart with spending is the best way to strengthen your digital transformation strategy.


The future of work – your flexible working strategy

Working from home is the new normal. Cutting down on commutes saves money, time, and energy for your employees. For businesses, not having to light and heat large office buildings leads to significant savings. Flexible working is now a permanent part of many organizations, and this doesn’t seem likely to change in the near future. Essential to your digital transformation strategy, then, is ensuring that your workforce has the tools it needs to succeed in this new, remote world.

Flexibility and agility are essential here. When not handled correctly, the sheer number of different communications platforms can result in friction that undermines your business. You need to keep friction to a minimum, and that necessitates the ability to transition seamlessly between channels, to keep your workforce on the move.

You need a cloud-based communications solution that can bring all collaboration apps onto a single screen, allowing your employees to effortlessly switch between channels. If you can cut down on friction, you can make flexible working an asset, rather than a liability.


Digital gold: Making the most of customer data

The digital transformation is powered by data. Businesses are using customer data in powerful new ways; to tailor interactions, to offer personalized recommendations, and to build meaningful relationships with customers. This new frontier carries new risks, however. A data breach can mean disaster for your business. The average cost of a data breach has risen to $4.24 million.7 Meeting data regulations can also pose a challenge: total fines for violations of GDPR regulations have now passed $1.5 billion.8

Navigating between the Scylla of regulation and the Charybdis of cyber-crime can prove challenging, especially with a distributed workforce. The key here is two factor authentication. Adding a second layer of security can significantly reduce the risk of a data breach.

Once your data is secure, making the most of it poses a serious problem. Making your data accessible across your business should be at the heart of your digital transformation strategy. If your employees can access the information they need, as soon as they need it, your business will become far more productive.


Step up to the cloud

Digitization can be daunting. Content Guru works with you every step of the way, to ensure that you meet the goals of your digital transformation strategy. Upgrade to the cloud with storm® CONTACT™, and minimize capital expenditure as costs rise. With storm WFM™, you can use intelligent scheduling to manage your remote workforce, and with storm INTEGRATE™ you can link seamlessly to any communications platform.

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The single best way to reduce costs, empower your workforce, and protect your customer data is to upgrade to the cloud. Content Guru is ready to aid your digital transformation.

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1 Deloitte, Digital Transformation in Healthcare, 2021, Digital transformation in healthcare | Deloitte Insights

2 Modus Create, 22 Digital Transformation Statistics for 2022, 2022, 22 Digital Transformation Statistics for 2022 - Modus Create

3 Forbes, Top 10 Digital Transformation Trends for 2022, 2021, Top 10 Digital Transformation Trends For 2022 (

4 Modus Create, 22 Digital Transformation Statistics

5 Forbes, Top 10 Digital Transformation Trends

6 Modus Create, 22 Digital Transformation Statistics

7 IBM, Cost of a Data Breach Report, 2021, Cost of a Data Breach Report 2021 - India | IBM

8 Data Privacy Manager, 20 Biggest GDPR Fines So Far, 2022, 20 biggest GDPR fines so far [2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022] – Data Privacy Manager