Leonardo Hotels

Calls to most numbers are filtered by a central interactive voice response (IVR) service. Callers inquiring about opening times or parking can access information via automated self-service.

Leonardo Hotels retained its existing numbers and local brand identity, and calls can be routed seamlessly to the contact center or to individual hotels for optimal customer service.

Faxes go into a central inbox, enclosed as email attachments. A supervisor then forwards them to relevant agents or hotel staff to be processed, ensuring greater consistency and efficiency.

Because storm® is embedded in the network, additional users and
multimedia functionality can be added seamlessly as Leonardo Hotels grows, freeing up capital for investment in its core business.

IT Manager, Leonardo Hotels

“We chose storm’s cloud-based IP contact center because of the flexibility it gave us for the use of intelligent IVR and call routing with a low total cost of ownership. We’ve enjoyed the savings and consistency associated with a centralized system, without compromising the experience for customers calling in to the contact center. storm is also making a crucial difference to the customer experience in our hotels. Our reception teams have more time to deliver outstanding service and they are less pressured at peak times.”

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